
International Day of the Girl Child-My Voice, Our Equal Future

Thank YOU for helping to pave the way to a brighter and better future for young ladies in Sierra Leone. On October 11th we celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child.

Twenty-Nine Students in Bo are Ready for School!

Thanks to your ongoing support of future leaders’ education, 29 students in Bo, Sierra Leone received financial support to pay for their school fees and school supplies for the 2021-2022 school year.   The students receiving school support ranged from Nursery school all the way through Senior Secondary school.

Twenty-One New Computers for Computer Training

On August 30th the Develop Africa Sierra Leone Computer Lab received twenty-one new computers for the lab.  Twenty computers are for the students and one of the new computers is for the teach

86 Students in Freetown are Ready for School

Students in Freetown are looking forward to starting school this year because you helped cover their school fees making school possible for 86 students. Of those 86 students 46 were primary school students (nursery school through class 6) and 40 of those students were in secondary school (Junior Secondary school through Senior Secondary School 3).


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