
Girls Mentoring Session Report on Makeup Artistry

A girls' mentoring session was held recently on makeup artistry, thanks to the generous support from our donors. Makeup artistry is a creative and empowering field that involves the skillful use of cosmetics and artistic techniques to enhance one's appearance.

Joseph Can Sleep Mosquito Free

Your continued support is helping provide long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) also called bed nets or mosquito nets to families and individuals in Sierra Leone. These mosquito nets create an effective barrier and provide protection from mosquito bites while families sleep.  Because of the mosquito nets they received, children like Joseph can now sleep without worrying about mosquito bites at night.

Joseph is in class 4 and enjoys mathematics and playing football.  He wants to become a doctor when he grows up. 

Martha is Changing the Narrative

Thank you for your support towards empowering and educating girls in Africa, like Martha. Martha shares her thoughts in a heartfelt video.

Fatmata's Business is Supporting her Family

Your generous support helps provide microfinance loans, which empower small businesses like Fatmata's. The goal of interest-free microfinance loans is to provide parents/guardians with the ability to support their families. 


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