Afterschool Classes for Students in Kamawornie

The students and principal in Kamawornie village express their gratitude to Develop Africa for their support with the extra classes organized for the children after school. These afterschool classes do not cost the families anything thanks to generous donors like YOU.
The principal expressed his sincere gratitude for the afterschool classes in this video-
I am Sorie, the Principal of Kamawornie Evangelical Junior Secondary School and also a teacher at the Develop Africa children's Lessons that are usually organized in the evening hours 4-6pm.
We are very happy because, before this time, children were really suffering for classes, they go to other classes in which their parents have to pay huge amount of money. But since Develop Africa came in to help, today the children attend classes every day and we have seen lots of changes.
Before, they could not read and write by themselves, but today, they can read and do their assignments at school and home by themselves.
We want to thank you very much. Thank you!
Your support is truly helping these future leaders with their education!